Taking charge of reality
Active in lockdown – online
Being locked down, teaching children at home and working from home can be very stressful. In February the Goetheanum offers an online course with practical inspiration for becoming creative and feeling more in charge. The programme focuses on dialogue and self-activity.
External regulations and the ongoing interference with one‘s private and professional life can become rather stressful. “This is when people begin to look for orientation: How does my family work? What does my boss expect from me? And where, in all this, can I find my inner source of strength?” “We wish to create a forum where people can do something for themselves, away from family life, work and societal expectations,”
Faculty member Constanza Kaliks explains the approach of the February online programme ‘Beyond the Third’, “Anthroposophy is a way of entering actively into the sphere of life. Thinking as creative activity and actively participating in life can help us to take hold of and shape reality so that it is no longer something that simply happens to us. With the help of exercises we will learn to deal confidently with the unknown.”